Mega Youth Fest


Why to be part of YUVA ?

Addiction is defined as a Compulsory, chronic, psychological, and physiological need for a habit-forming substance, activity, or behavior having harmful physical, phycological, or social effects and causing well-defined symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea upon withdrawal or abstinence.
Addiction saps away the time, money, and energy of youths which can be utilized in building a better future for an individual and our nation. Addiction gives a kind of kick experience which compels the person to do it again and again. ISKCON Founder Acharya HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami went to America in mid sixties when hippie culture was at its peak which was mostly anointed with the drug addiction. But when he gradually engaged them in positive engagements, they voluntarily left their addictive habits. Following in his footsteps Today also ISKCON is determined to help the youth of nation on the path of character and competence so that they become meaningful contributor in the making of tomorrow’s India

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Group of 3

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  • Discount in Ticket Pricing

Group of 6

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  • Free Dinner For All
  • Free Return Gift For All
  • Discount in Ticket Pricing

Group of 3

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  • Free Dinner For All
  • Free Return Gift For All
  • Discount in Ticket Pricing

Single Entry

  • Entry Pass
  • Free Dinner For All
  • Free Return Gift For All

Group of 6

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  • Free Dinner For All
  • Free Return Gift For All
  • Discount in Ticket Pricing

The Line-Up

Layer 15
Layer 24
Rock Show
Layer 13
HG Amogh Lila Das
(Renowned Motivational Speaker)
Rock Show
HH Lokanath Swami
(ISKCON Zonal Secretary)
Layer 8
HH Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami
(ISKCON Kirtan Minister)
HG Amogh Lila Das
(Renowned Motivational Speaker)
HH Lokanath Swami
(ISKCON Zonal Secretary)
HH Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami
(ISKCON Kirtan Minister)

Our Guest of Honour

shri Dhirendra Singh ji

MLA, Jevar (BJP)

dr. R.C. Sharma ji

Chairman, Ram-Eesh Institute

Prof.(Dr) Avadhesh Kumar ji

Pro Vice Chancellor, GU

Prof. Ravindra Kumar Sinha ji

Vice Chancellor, GBU

Shri. raman batra ji

Chairman, NIET

dr. rajesh kumar gupta ji

Chairman, GNIOT

shri. deepak gupta ji

Chairman, KCC Institute

shri. ATUL MANGAL ji

Chaiman, Mangalmay Institute

Become a Volunteer & Win Exciting Prizes

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
It is a paradisematic country, in which

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